#69 Projektmanagement 2.0
Ein neuer interessanter (deutschsprachiger) Blog befasst sich mit Projektmanagement 2.0 (auch: Social Project Management).
Was unter PM 2.0 zu verstehen ist, sagt uns natürlich Wikipedia:
Project Management 2.0 (social project management) is the natural evolution of project management practices brought by Web 2.0 technologies. This second-generation Web environment has imposed itself by virtue of new Web services and applications, which quickly replace traditional project management software. Such applications include: blogs, wikis, collaborative software, etc. With broadband as the new utility, virtual teams now can work together much more efficiently by utilizing the new-generation, Web-based project management tools. These tools challenge the original definition of project management. Project Management 2.0 represents a dramatic shift toward having collaboration as the heart of project management. The transformation appears in the role of the project manager and in the interaction with clients.
26. Juni 2009 um 12:08
das ist schon sehr schön.Danke für diese Infos. Tolle Seite,weiter so!